Research and publications
nformation on research progress, academic events and publications made by Doctoral Candidates and supervisors within the THERESA Project will be announced or made available in this section.
- Cocciolo, Endrius, “The Regulation of Hydrogen in the Transport Sector: Focus on Refuelling Stations”, in Fleming, Ruven (ed), The Cambridge Handbook of Hydrogen and the Law, Cambridge University Press; 2024. p. 263–276,
- Gallegos Francisca, Pinto Jaqueline, Talus Kim, “Realism at the End of the Rainbow? An Argument Towards Diversifying Hydrogen in EU Regulation”, The Journal of World Energy Law & Business, Volume 17, Issue 4, August 2024, Pp 217-233,
- Gallegos Francisca, Pinto Jaqueline, Talus Kim, “Importing US-Produced Hydrogen and Its Derivatives into the EU: Examples of Unnecessary Complications, Barriers, and Distinctions”, Journal of Energy & Natural Resources Law, May 2024, Pp 1-23,
- Chege Kennedy, Pinto Jaqueline, “Regulating Green and Low-Carbon Hydrogen in Africa: A Case Study of South Africa”, Advances in Science and Technology, March 2024, Pp 15-24,
- Pinto Jaqueline, “The Key Tenets of a Hydrogen Strategy: An Analysis and Comparison of the Hydrogen Strategies of the EU, Germany, and Spain”, Global Energy Law & Sustainability, 2023, Pp 72–95,