Associated Partners
The non-academic partners associated with the training programme of the THERESA project are:
The New Energy Coalition (NEC), located in Groningen, the Netherlands.
The NEC is the main coordinator of the Hydrogen Valley of the North.
The NEC is the main coordinator of the Hydrogen Valley of the North. In its vein of coordinator, it has a preferential relationship with many stakeholders involved in hydrogen production, transport, distribution, storage and use. The NEC will, therefore greatly support the Doctoral Candidates in their task of contacting stakeholders for interviews during their stay at the NEC.
The Catalan Institute of Energy (ICAEN), located in Barcelona, Spain.
The ICAEN is the entity of the government of Catalonia in charge of elaborating and carrying out the Catalan energy policy.
The ICAEN is a public law entity, created by the Parliament of Catalonia by means of Law 9/1991. It is attached to the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Generalitat de Catalunya. The mission of ICAEN is to promote and carry out initiatives and action programmes for research, development and application of energy technologies, including renewable energies, the improvement of energy efficiency, the promotion of the rational use of energy and, in general, the optimal management of energy resources in the different economic sectors of Catalonia. Considering its competencies, the ICAEN is the appropriate partner to support Doctoral Candidates in their tasks inherent to hydrogen policy formulation.
Gasgrid Finland Oy, (GGF) is located in Espoo, Finland.
Gasgrid Finland Oy is a Finnish state-owned natural gas transmission system operator.
Gasgrid Finland offers natural gas and biogas transmission services and is responsible for the gas transmission system operations in Finland. Gasgrid core services comprise gas transmission and connection services. In addition to these, Gasgrid offers a centralised information exchange service for the retail market as well as a Biogas Certificate and reporting service. Gasgrid will become the registrar of the renewable gas guarantee of origin system. Considering its competencies, the Gasgrid is the appropriate partner to support Doctoral Candidates in their tasks inherent to integrated network planning and hydrogen certification schemes.
NRA, Energiavirasto
Finnish Energy Authority (NRA, Energiavirasto), located in Helsinki, Finland.
The Energy Authority is a licensing and regulatory authority that regulates and promotes the operation of the electricity and gas markets, emission reductions, energy efficiency and the use of renewable energy.
The Energy Authority enforces Finnish and European energy and climate policies. The main goal of the Energy Authority is to promote cost-efficient achievement of climate goals and efficient operation of the energy market. the Finnish Energy Authority is the appropriate partner to support Doctoral Candidates in their tasks inherent to the sustainability of biofuels and fuel quality and regulatory framework for hydrogen.